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This guy wore rollerblades and skated around on a ramp. Suddenly, he held a skateboard between his toes and performed a backflip on the edge of the ramp. The ta...
This guy wore rollerblades and attempted a trick on-ramp. He tried to perform a backflip with a skateboard between his toes. Unfortunately, he couldn't maintain...
This guy tried doing a backflip while wearing rollerblades. First, he made a proper stance and took his position to flip. Then he suddenly did a backflip and la...
This guy wearing rollerblades displayed his astounding talent for skating. He performed a trick by jumping over four people lying on the road. The talented guy ...
This guy wearing rollerblades was attempting to perform a trick. Unfortunately, he hit his crotch while jumping over a hurdle. He seemed to be in a lot of pain ...